There Came a Little Spider

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Little Miss Muffet:

Little Miss Muffet

She sat on a tuffet,
Eating of curds and whey;
There came a little spider,
Who sat down beside her,
And frighten’d Miss Muffet away.

A few days ago, my son came to me saying there was a spider on the kitchen floor, “…and it looks like a tarantula spiderling!” Thinking I had an escaped spiderling situation, I rushed in and had a look. Well, it certainly did look like one of our baby tarantulas, so I placed a cup over it and took a quick inventory; all were accounted for.

So, I prepped a small enclosure with coco fiber and a piece of bark and moved it into the new home. My wife quickly identified the little guy as a Tiger Wolf Spider, Tigrosa aspersa. 

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